Lil Ruf Peppy

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NRHA MILLION DOLLAR SIRE At the 2006 NRHA Futurity, Lil Ruf Peppy was honored for becoming one of the few stallions that have sired earners of over $1 Million!

Request Information!

Peppy San Badger
Mr San Peppy
Leo San
Peppy Belle
Sugar Badger
Grey Badger III
Sugar Townley


Rufas Peppy

Mr San Peppy
Leo San
Peppy Belle
Santa Rufa
Santa Anita Baby

(click image to enlarge)

(click image to enlarge)


Holeman Quarter Horses
1633 Highway 3
Bronson, KS 66716
(620) 224-8524
(620) 939-4347 office/fax
[email protected]

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